Saturday, March 27, 2010

Adapting is a sign of mental health

The society I am part of does / accepts things that I find atrocious such as (despite being one of the most prosperous societies in the world) letting it's own citizens live on the streets (often even blaming them!!)

My society is also hypocritical in that it condones (even encourages) unhealthy habits such as cigarette smoking, gamblind, and (to a lesser extent) consuming alcohol. While at the same time there's grandstanding about how marijuana and prostitution are horrible sins.

These socially accepted behaviours and hypocrisy bother me. It bothers me because if "adapting" to a society which chooses to remain flawed rather than making an effort to better itself is being mentally healthy it's time we re-consider what constitutes mental health.


Mademoiselle A. said...

Wow! Since I don't know the expression in english, I will say it in french. Tu m'enlèves les mots de la bouche ! Just where I thought I was the one being sick of thinking that those social accepted behaviour goes right against what I believe in!

Gregoire said...

Actually Mademoiselle A., pretty much the same expression exists in English: "You took the words right out of my mouth"; refering of course to when a person says what you were going to say (or were thinking).

I don't know if it helpful for you (and others), but it actually is beneficial to me to know that I'm not alone in my beliefs and values.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree! The hypocrisy. It's all about what "society" deems acceptable, not about the objective reality of behaviors and their consequences. Mental health is all relative, isn't it? There's a stigma around people who suffer from any type of mental issue, and yet, society encourages extremely inappropriate and unhealthy actions & habits.