Monday, November 9, 2009

Reality? Not mine.

I've been reading recently different articles and opinions on why "reality television" is as popular as it is.

To my surprise, all writers claim that people watch "reality" shows because they either relate to the participants (think Susan Boyle), see "common people"s troubles magnified (Jon & Kate Plus Eight), or (and this is the most convoluted) enjoy watching celebrities make morons of themselves (Simple Life).

Why this culture is so fascinated with celebrity is still a bit of a mystery to me, but anyone who gets a chuckle out of Paris Hilton ewwwwwwwwwww'ing at the sight of cow manure, or Jose Canseco cage fighting is the being being laughed at.

These celebrity shows and events are targeted at making the audience believe that acting like a jackass equals stardom. They conveniently omit to say that these celebrities became celebrities despite this behaviour, not because of it.

So when I read and hear that viewers feel better about themselves because of these celebrities failures, I can't help but think that's exactly what they (the celebrities) want.

The viewer who watches a "Reality" show where someone makes a total idiot of themselves may be tricked in believing they are "better". But the next day, at the office discussing the show with the colleagues, not knowing if they'll be employed next year, next month, or next week, having to make sure the mortgage is paid, the fridge is full, and the kids are well taken care of, that is REALITY.

That same following day, the celebrities get limousine-driven across town, get wined and dined BY OTHERS, and nanny takes care of the kids. THAT is their reality.

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