Friday, December 4, 2009


Adapting to one's environment is a sign of mental health. In the 21st century western world, that suggests working 35-40 hours a week in order to earn enough to pay one's housing, food, clothing, and transportation.

When someone of working capacity (by outward looks) doesn't or doesn't manage to pay their way, they're somehow wrong.

The simplistic idea that "That's just the way it is so it's right" is very rarely questioned.

Compared to humanity of 2, 000+ years ago, have we truly progressed as a species?

Working to get lodging, feed one self (and family), wear the clothing, and use the transport of the time. That's what was expected of people. Not very different.

Intellectually we do know more than we did back then. Due in part to history itself (IE. There IS more to know), and communication, which is more accessible.

Technologically we are way more advanced (IE. Just reading this blog proves that).

But as a species are we more advanced? Our so-called intelligence hasn't prevented us from being at war constantly.

We "know" that a healthy life (on all levels) requires much more than simply functioning, yet as long as one is functioning, we are satisfied. "You have a job, pay your bills, what do you have to worry or complain about?"

Funny thing is when oneself is simply functioning it's far from enough. We "know" that functioning is not enough for us, but don't have the presence of mind to inquire about others.

Functioning isn't enough for me, what about you?

1 comment:

Gregoire said...

I would say you have a higher level of functioning than you are giving yourself credit for.

Good parenting requires skills way beyond the pedestrian functionality I refer to in the post.

Having and educating your children makes you much more than functional. If you refer to yourself as "barely functional" in
reference to my post's definition of functionality,I say good on you.

Much better to be a great parent such as you than a mere functioning person.