Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Maybe it is the destination after all

We often hear how life's "a journey, not a destination" (even Aerosmith used those lyrics!!), but if we see happiness as a destination, then the journey IS secondary.

People, groups, and organizations such as religions, political parties, even businesses do not promote their beliefs in order for people to be happier, or even better off. All they want is more membership, more promotion of their beliefs / ideas, and more goods or services being consumed.

They blind the public with the idea that by feeling better temporarily (during prayer, when in office, when consuming such a product...), it will lead to longer term happiness, but that never occurs (which, by the way, they knew all along!!)

They will also create a false impression of community, by pushing the idea of "Do like us, we're smart, popular, you want to be like us".

That last part is one of the biggest problems, most people DO NOT want to be LIKE others, we want our own uniqueness to shine. We all want and NEED to be with others, but remain unique within the group.

In order to achieve happiness, people take numerous different paths. Everything from social groups, religion, politics, activism...

The paths are infinite, the destination is unique.

1 comment:

Katia said...

great points! lots of stuff there i never thought about even though i am pretty analytical and pessimistic