Monday, August 10, 2009

I didn't wake up one day and feel better

Too often I have heard and read statements about people who just "woke up one day and decided to feel better" and their depression was gone. I hate to break it to you, but that's not how it works.

I can point to specific dates and times which were determining in my recovery (like October 11th 2007 when I FINALLY called the local Mental Health Authority and began the process).

But I also remember tonnes of times when I'd tell myself "Ok, this is it I'm just going to feel better", it didn't work and I felt WORSE.

Recovery is a process, an on-going process at that. I'm not cured, I have achieved a good level of stability which I want to keep, and involves several things including medication, regular exercise, proper diet.

If you're looking to get better, slowly getting there, or even unsure, remember that it's ongoing.

I have days were I remind myself of where I was, how I felt, how I never want that ever again, and that I've gotten what I have through consistent self-discipline, and constant work. Not some magical idea that I'll "will it away".

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